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 Online Projects & Free Software








My Car Runs On Water!

CopyCat Software - eBook #12

submitted to the public domain

as "" - 1998


After 10 years the title is being archived on the Internet. It told of a device that my father and his friends built 30+ years ago. Many have came forth and filled-in the missing parts, and some even just made it better. (Many thanx to all that beleived in this.)

If you still have this file, please download and look at the
more recent version released in 2002; it is
nearly the same; but instead of +/- metal plates; it uses
steal poles, and comes with the missing controller unit.

I have lived most of my life in a Desert Valley; I am fully
aware of the value of Fresh Water, and after 30 some years;
I have built and tested lots of things to save its use;
but I can't do anything with it if its gone...

There have been many improvements in generators over the years
and now wind, solar, and other forms should be used as well.
With cheap power we could start working on the drinking water
problem. More water treatment plants, better errogation with
farms, and covered storage facilities is a good beginning.

Maybe later I can release the old H2O power plant desins, or
even the new car; but until then just give me a little time to
comeup with some answers, solutuions, or alternatives to using water.

CLICK HERE to goto the 2008 update page and learn more.



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