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Multimedia E-Books And Free Downloads For Those Do-It-Yourselfers Since 1995







My Car Runs On Water! (update_2008)

submitted to the public by:

"annonymous user"

as: new "" (2002)


Thank You for your donations and contributions!

These designs are part of the Intellectual Rights of "the people". Since 1982 Car/Gas and Energy companies have been aware of this device. It was realeased into the pulic domain (1996) after years of ignorance and greed. These instructions or contents should never be sold or distributed for money. (although $5 allowed to cover any type of costs).

This information may be transfered via digital medium (ie:Floppy/CD/Web).

For ease of reading; the instructions and diagrams are posted here, but you might want to search the Web for the 2002 ZIP file. Some content has been altered for better reading. Advanced engineering and electronics are required.

Although, some may have enough basic knowledge for this project; it would be a good idea to find a friend or someone that can follow the details easily for peak operation. You should be one with the sciences; and it is a good idea to follow most common engineering standards available today.

To begin; read the instructions!(do it several times if you have too)

NOTE: there are two (2) defferent variations to this...A & B

A = The Water Vapor (steam) generator; uses the heat from the exhaust system inorder to gain approximately 25% more Horse Power. Steam is sent into the intake manifold; as it enters the cylinders; it expands...thus increasing HP.

B = The Hydrogen (gas) generator uses freq pulses to excite the water into separation (2 parts hydrogen to 1 part oxygen). It is then sent into the engine trough the fuel system or vapor return. It is NOT steam, but a gas...please be careful.

As I mentioned earlier; this device is only _part_ of the entire project for using ordinary drinking water as a possible form of CLEAN energy. Please be responsible with this device and use it at your own risk.

PART 1 - Instructions- These are in standard DOC format.

PART 2 - Diagrams _ (fig1) (fig2) (fig3) (fig4) (fig5) (fig6)


Once you have your fuel device completed; it would be a good idea to be ready for the next part of the complete picture. The use of this device will power a new generation. If you are a more experienced junk-yard scientist; then click the link below for information on the NextGen Engine Project and the new MJJ-1 power plant.

-CopyCat '08

The NextGen Engine Project - MJJ-1 - Modern Junk Jet


Multimedia E-Books And Free Downloads For Those Do-It-Yourselfers Since 1995







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