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Fall / Winter __________ ______________2010

Playing GOD with today's Technology

Playing a game for stakes (money or whatever) has got to be the ultimate thrill. Gathering wealth and weapons as you slaughter, the game continues until there is nothing left or no one to kill. What then? You play again, but this time you play in God Mode, and take everything!

As far back as I could search, the game of playing God has to be the best action out there, and for those who feel they have won (on some weird level) the game is fun and addictive. To make it more challenging, the player might invoke some super powers and a secret weapon or two, all the while making a running dash for the prize..Earth!

For years the US has made several improvements in the way it sees itself as a super power on this planet. Simple heroic actions like; sending aid to the enemy when they are down, or giving food and water to flood victims before anybody else, or giving peace a chance with a cease fire so as to update satellite photos..etc..the list goes on.

It's time for truth to be known, and the American people (and possibly the entire planet) are tired of being lied to and made out as some sort of retarded social idiots. The truth is really disturbing, and if you have a weak mind or spirit, then I suggest you stop reading this before something happens... (i got ill looking at the videos).

Most Americans are not content with the current actions (or not) being taken by our government, and some believe that change needs to be taken in the way some people are getting free health care, free money and free food on the expense of others even though they never paid taxes or worked a day in their life, or even care to. We can't keep-up the good samaritan 'show and kill' at the same time. The country's immigrant issuses must be addressed as well.

The future belongs to the young and those who can make a difference. These few people need to step-up to the game grid and get ready to move forward. The American Dream is being wipedout, and I believe that this is time for change. I respect the valor and honor of all who fought and still fight for freedom and honor everyday, and I hope no more life is lost on any battlefield, especially from people spreading lies. Lying to people is easy for some, and a way of life for others, but i myself am not good at it, nor do i care for it.

For years now the planet's leaders and military have been lying and hiding the truth from most people. They have been meeting in summits and other gatherings to discuss the future Earth and their presence on this planet. There is no official words for what has been spoken of behind closed doors, but i believe its much more than any one person should hear. With the links below, you should be able to see the people involved, and even those that are not.

2012 is just around the corner, and if you can use something (like this newsletter) to see the future, then use it, or give it to someone who can. I myself have seen the plans (or schedules) for the future, and I now have a bucket ready everyday. All my life, I have suffered from an over active imagination, high anxiety, and an over abundant love and trust in the ones I thought cared, and fell victim to their lies, deception, villainy, and greed. Everyday I struggle to obtain truth and harmony with my existence on this planet, but now I believe time has come to pass on this bit of fear to anybody that might be able to make a difference or change whats happening.

"Thousands die, and thousands more suffer in the after-math" is said by a CNN News broadcast earlier this month, and what i heard for some time now; its been actively happening for several years in other Middle/East and other Eastern countries. China really paid big for the floods 'they sheduled' earlier this year and even an Earthquake or two last year, and i think near the end of this game others will want to play also. The deaths and destruction is global, and there seems to be no answer for those responsible for "acts of God" except for those who insist on playing God. It will be difficult to know who is telling the truth, and who will be lying in the game of playing God in the future, I just hope it all stops (or atleast is regulated) before causing more unessarry deaths and damage.

If you are into Science Fiction, then look at this... If you're not...atleast ask someone else to look for you, then ask them what they think, and then look at the news for 'deadly flooding' and Earthquakes happening around the world today.

THE TRUTH: Playing God Is Real!

The floods that cause mass death and devastation in the Middle East were planned! Thats right! Look for yourself and see the 'scheduled' rains for the next year! Thousands of people died because its easier to play in 'God Mode' and cheat your way to victory, than to actually think. Few have known the truth of "weather modification" or "weather alteration" for sometime now, and even a little truth about "global weather control" not to mention the recent earthquakes like New Zealand. The name of the game varies, but its still the same...kill, destroy, and collect points, especially if you could do it without getting blamed or even caught!

Since 1901 scientists and engineers have been trying to change the Earth and natural order of the weather. Over the last 100 years they have made incredible break-throughs, and have got it down to a science. Altering the weather is no more a challenge than entering your name as the high scorer for any game. Nevada, Texas, Colorado, and several other States in the US have already entered their names for a score of some kind for the next few years.

I'm not sure of the winners yet, but as far as I can tell, the US (as mentioned earlier) has facilities around the world, and can make a nice Sunny Day almost anywhere, or create a level 4 Hurricane, or shake a city to the ground. China already has a claim to most of the the weather in 2011 , and i think an Earthquake or two, but Russia, Japan, and some of the other countries will have to wait for their turn or for whats left.

Gold, Oil, Uranium, and lots of other precious materials will go to the new Gods in the future and they shall claim the entire planet with forces of deadly acts of Global Terrorism, and no one can stop it. Take a number should be said for the next player in this game, but I don't think anyone will want to play with the current players once they see what kind of people they are. Heck, maybe those that have been left-out of the plans or just this time around; will have a 'walkthru' to make them the winners in the next game!

Be safe and keep a bucket handy!

-CopyCat '10







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