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  Software & Production


Requirements to Author or Produce

In order to assure the software or production I develop is unique and useful; there are a few things that have to be done first...

* Pre-Production and Discolsure Agreement(s) - We must 'both' agree to abide to the standard or modified "disclosure agreemnt" quickly before any title or production is discussed.

* Definitions and Ownership of Title - If you wish to assume the ownership and responsibility for each works; then it shall be defined as "work for hire" before any copyrights or the title will be my responsibilty for archival, distribution and storage.

* Payment For Work Performed - I am very reasonable to any type of payment(s) or methods of payment; including trade of services and or products. Donations are also accepted as a form of payment, and can be in the form of (USD) US dollars.

Research & Logistics

Total disclosure in the project and strategies in your current direction have to be narrowed to a customer, product, or service with a database or response area or help in general. All extend reaches for an audience or client list (like a campain) should be made in an orderly and organized fashion with all means to over-come any similarities already in exsistance. Most of the time will be spent on validating your demographic studies or prior research (much like your business plan), as well as finding the winning answers toward any or all competition, or negative influences.

Planning & Designs

Graphic designs and material content has to be collected in ways to be more effective; on-or-off the web or by utilizing current media options. Your logo, name, service, product, and or message can be placed within the software or production and utilized in such a way; that it is most effective, memorable or just friendly. Your designs with conceptions can go into the opening title (splash screen), subtitle, or even a watermark. Works can be on or off-site on any job, but I prefer to work on my own location when possible. If you already have a title or package and only require simple insertion or a modification to a product or title, all that might be needed is to re-compile or re-produce with a plan to re-deploy. (Remeber; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.)

Construction & Deployment

Construction and development begins after all pre-production layouts and designs are finished. All materials created from here on has to be true and accurate then tested or viewed objectively so as to be ready for deployment. The deployment begins after a working or viewable copy is tested and verified to be entertaining, informative or whatever it was designed, and planned to be. It may include documents, photos, video, audio, or any other Help and Support the "user" may need to get started or at the GUI (graphical user interface). The project nears completion when all points of interactivity have been defined or posted, and then the rest of the work is usually to dress it up and make it ready for delivery, download, or viewing by the audience or user. Delivery can be of many forms. Some of the most common distribution formats for software are; ZIP, PDF, EXE, and sometimes; RAR Some of the most popular production formats for video and audio are; MP3, MP4, AVI, DIVX, MPEG, MOV, and RAW.









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